Friday 27 February 2015

The calm before the storm...

Oosh it's been a while since I've blogged (naughty me). My 2015 wedding season hasn't quite kicked off yet but I've been a very busy bee in this so called off season. So I thought I'd blog about what a wedding photographer gets up to when it's not wedding season, just in case you thought we spent the dark winter months hibernating or holidaying (we don't, honest!)

This year I have around 50 weddings booked and they start in April so I've had (and still have) some weekends free in the early part of this year. So as well as nurturing my depleting social life and engaging in normal Friday/ Saturday night activities here's what I've been upto...

In December I organised a little styled shoot combining the talents of some lovely creatives, a beaut model and the lush surroundings of the Sheffield Botanical Gardens. The shoot was recently featured on Love my Dress and is set to be published in both Dreamingless Magazine and Sheeba in the coming months

I then spent January planning, pinning and building my new website up. See I don't just do wedding photography, there are other sides to my work that are more fashion orientated and I also work with small businesses, designers, boutiques and artists. I made a little time to get out there shooting though (especially in the snow) and me & my photographer friend Ellie Grace had a couple of photo adventures...

I'm currently building up my fashion portfolio so I organised a jam packed test shoot day with models from a local agency and some lovely talented creatives that I'd worked with previously. I set up a pop up studio/ set at a friends co working space and we spent the day creating and shooting some awesome looks. All the creatives involved get some great new images for their websites/ social media and the models get new shots for their portfolios. Plus the sharing on social media helps build everyone's profiles WINNER! I'm still working on editing this set but here's a little preview, I'll be looking for outlets for publishing for as many of these images as possible in the coming weeks...

The following day I was booked to shoot at a new wedding venue in Sheffield called INOX Dine at the University, it's a very modern very chic restaurant and Blanche the manager there had a styled a beautiful shoot with tonnes of talented suppliers and I got to shoot it! These images will be used on their website and in their new brochure, I've just finished editing these yesterday and I'm super happy with the results!

I've got a few more shoots coming up that are still in the planning stages and I've been meeting lots of lovely new couples about their wedding photography for this year and next. 2016 is booking up fast so if you're thinking of booking me as your photographer get in touch soon!

Other than the fun glamorous stuff this time of year is admin time, taxes, marketing, advertising which keeps me pretty busy in the office day to day. I've also started a personal project this year... I am hugely passionate about animal welfare and especially rescue dogs. I volunteer at a local rescue centre and have 2 adopted dogs myself. My new project seeks to address the stigma attached to the Staffie breed and their owners, I have my own Staffie and she is sweet and gentle and wonderful, so over this year I'll be photographing Staffie owners and their dogs from all walks of life. Here are a few I've shot so far...

Now I'd better get back to work

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